
Exploring the Mandelbrot Set

Though this is barely functional, here is a link to a Mandelbrot Set explorer

I modeled it after a Java program that actually is functional. I am doing this as a way to teach myself JavaScript. That explains the barely functional bit. It turns out placing JavaScript on a WordPress page is not entirely simple.

(updated June 24) Since the use-plugin-hide-your-code-in-the-header technique was not visually pleasing (the colors were sometimes, but not always, hatched, and the coordinates of mouse clicks were not consistent) I moved my code over to CodePen and updated the link. Of course, they want a subscription for better options, but that’s not happening just yet.

Pretty Twisty
There are millions (OK, an infinite number) of unique and beautiful tidbits to see.

You see, the beauty of coding as a hobby is that, if properly followed, it can eat up hours in a stimulating way at nearly zero cost.

Next steps: make the explorer responsive to mobile devices, not just mouse clicks.

Then: finish adding features that no one will ever use.

Finally: find a way to turn math into cash.

Well, if you’ve read this far, my third blog post, I commend you for your courage and stamina. I have no solid plan for where this will go, but feel free to keep on reading.



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